The Last Finishing Touches

We are coming to the end of this wall hanging course. What a joy it was working on it. When all is done, you may notice that the 3 dimensional foxglove has collapsed a little bit. But it's no problem to perk them up again. And just like a real flowers we just add water.

What I mean is this. Wet the foxglove with a spray bottle. When the wool is damp/wet, I stuff kitchen paper into the hollow shape. Wait until the wool is dry again. Remove the kitchen paper and the foxglove petals will all have their shape back.

Now to the most difficult assignment of this course.

Where to display your wonderful creative wall hanging for everyone to admire it.

I would love to see it too.

It was an absolute pleasure to create this course for you. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did making it.

Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. Improvements or more clarity on certain modules? Your input in it would help me to improve this course even further.

I look forward to seeing you again in the future. Thank you for taking part.


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